Chatty Cats

Hey everyone! Been a bit since I did a larger puzzle. Sorta had the theme in the back of my mind for awhile, had a bit of a brain blast and decided to go ahead and put it into action. I feel pretty happy with this one - I think I have a good balance of clever clues, and tried to make acrosses fair for ones that may be more troublesome. Fairly happy I got a bit of a personal info one into a crossword neatly too. Hope you enjoy the puzzle - feel free to let me know what you thought of it! Praises and critique both welcome.


  1. Very fun puzzle! I liked the various pop culture references and the 3D/52A pair. 8D made me laugh. Was confused about the cluing for 24 until I looked it up haha. Also confused by 35D's clue. Few small things: 18A shouldn't include the word "to", 65A should clue an adjective (so maybe start it with "Like"?), and 62A might be "Relished (the moment)" since the answer replaces "relished".

    Really enjoyed it! Hope you keep it up

    1. Thanks Josh! Good points - tenses and finer points of wording clues is something I can be a tad shaky on. I couldn't get someone to test solve this unfortunately so a few things slipped that I've corrected here and there.

      As for 35D - it's "ohs" in the sense of like "oooooooooooooo, you're in trooooubleeee"


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